# X


xAI's Memphis Supercluster: A New Era in AI Computing

Sep 3, 2024

Explore the groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence with the activation of xAI's Memphis Supercluster, a powerful GPU cluster featuring 100,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs. This innovative AI training system, launched on July 22, 2024, is set to revolutionize computational capabilities and accelerate AI research. The article delves into the strategic collaborations with industry leaders, the environmental and ethical considerations of massive supercomputing, and the competitive edge this technology provides in the AI landscape. Learn about the future prospects for xAI and the transformative impact of the Memphis Supercluster on AI development.

xAI Doubles Grok-2 Speed

Aug 26, 2024

This page discusses the significant performance improvements made by xAI to its Grok-2 and Grok-2 mini language models through a complete rewrite of the inference code stack. The update, achieved in just three days by a team of developers, has doubled the speed of Grok-2 while also enhancing accuracy. The advances have placed Grok-2 in a competitive position within the AI landscape, securing high rankings on the Lmsys Chatbot Arena leaderboard. The page highlights the innovative SGLang system used for optimization, the impact on the models' standings, and the subscription model introduced by xAI for user access.